Things I absolutely despise
Well we all have things we hate or can't stand. Many of mine I have had all of my life. In high school we had a last will and testament. I came across it the other day and I was shocked to see that I really haven't changed to much that way.
Two faced people
We all know many fake people unfortunately. You know, the ones who will be super sweet to your face then behind your back talk trash. In my life I am very selective with the friends I choose. I don't need a lot of people surrounding me to keep me happy. I can see through people fairly easy plus my plate is so full with REAL stuff that I don't need to sit around and hear people talking bad about others!
Being Late
Another one of my pet peeves is being late. I just can't understand how people can not manage their time enough to be on time. Ok, so there are thinks that aren't a big deal to be late to, but church, weddings, appointments, funerals, for GOD sake be considerate people! This is the #1 thing that my husband and I fight about because he tends to run late a lot and I don't!
Ok, so I know we all tell white lies once in a while, I get it. What I am talking about is flat out to your face lies! My kids know this and still they have tried to do it to me which is NOT a good idea. I am a sleuth and if you are caught you may as well clear your calendar for months because you will not be going anywhere with anyone anytime soon! The truth will set you free!
People who think they better than you!
Now I know we all have encountered people like this. The kind that will brag all about their so called perfect life and never ask a thing about you or your life!
Just recently we were at a wedding. As soon as we arrived I saw this individual and knew we were in for a treat! We haven't seen them for years so I knew it was coming...In the first five minutes of the conversation before the ceremony we knew...
They had gotten a beautiful, very expensive new garage door.
Their child in college is doing outstanding and loves it so much he never wants to come home.
Their 13 year old, is like a genius, and just got a brand new horse.
He just got a very substantial raise at work.
The old neighborhood is going to pot, and they are really thinking of moving into a more pretentious area because they can!
And, of course, she only asked about the one child we have that I know, she has heard, that he has made some bad choices over the last years. Don't ask about the others you know are doing well!
People are people, I know, but lord can't we all be perfect like me and my gang!!! LOL
Hope you have A
Happy Thursday!
You know I hate being late too!